
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Feeling better today

So I know I said I wouldn't weigh myself, but let's face it, I'm addicted. Also, last night I came to the realization that no matter what the stupid scale says, I'm still changing. My body is definitely different today than it was three weeks ago. Even if it wasn't, look at how far I've come! A few weeks of no change doesn't change the fact that I've lost Mary-Kate Olsen in weight! It just doesn't.

Last night I decided since I was in such a funk I would try on my bridesmaid dress from my brother in law's wedding and see how big it was on me. It's a size 22 and it's the one pictured in my before picture to the right. I wore it in September 2010 right before getting pregnant with my son. Let me tell you people, it is one hilarious sight to see now. If I didn't hold the thing up it literally fell to the ground. It's like a tent! I felt so much better after putting that thing on. Then I decided to try my prom dress on again. I tried it on a couple months ago and it fit but was very tight and I couldn't totally zip it up. Well, it zips and it fits! My prom was in June 2002 people. That's almost eleven years and many many pounds gained and now lost to get back into it. I'm quite proud of myself. :)

My Insanity DVDs should be here by next week and I'm so excited to start them! I've seen the results some I follow on Instagram have had with it and if I can stick with it, it's going to be amazing! It's really going to push me though. We'll see what happens. I just need to work on my back and my arms before the wedding this November. I've heard my bridesmaid dress is strapless with a low back! EEP!

All for now. I'm off to listen to my new Justin Timberlake CD. ;)

The dresses:


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Throwing away the scale.

I have been stuck at 170 for almost three weeks now. I got down to 169.8 for a day and then back up to 170. This morning the scale read 171. It has put me in such a funk. I don't understand how I am stuck at the same number forever and then it goes UP! I ate pretty well yesterday, I may have drank too much water (110oz) but I had decently high sodium intake and I did treadmill for 45mins and a walk with my kids for 30. I am done with the scale for awhile. If I can stop myself that is. I'm seriously obsessed and have to do it every morning. It's part of my morning routine and I go to bed every night thinking about how I can't wait til morning so I can see what it says. Obsession. It's not healthy. So, we'll see if I can avoid it awhile because I cannot take another morning like today. I seriously want to cry. I ordered Insanity a couple days ago so when that comes I'll weigh again for my "start weight" of the program and then not again until my Diet Bet is over in four weeks.

Speaking of Diet Bet, if you haven't heard of this website/app you should totally check it out if you want a little more motivation. I'm doing my third one right now and it's a really neat concept. You submit your weight via a picture of your scale with a code word they send you plus another picture of yourself standing on the scale. Once it registers and verifies your weight it lets you know you're good to go. From the start date you have exactly four weeks to lose four percent of your weight. The bet part is a set amount of money made by whoever starts the game. The first two games I did were with some other moms and they were $10 each. The one I'm in now I'm using my winnings from my last game to play and it's $25. All the money goes into the pot and at the end of the four weeks whoever is at 100% of their goal (verified exactly how it is in the beginning) gets to split the pot! It's great. I won like $37 or something like that in the last game off my $10. There weren't a lot of players in that one. The current game I'm doing is hosted by ladies from Biggest Loser and there are currently 2263 players so the pot is a whopping $56,575! I'm sure even if I do win I'll only get my $25 back and like an extra $5 because there's no way that many people will fail. It's just too easy! So, if it sounds like fun to you, find a bet or start one with your friends because it's motivating and great for your wallet! :)

Nothing else exciting to report. Still trying to eat as clean as I can. I slacked on the exercise pretty bad last week so I'm trying to be better about that too. Insanity will whip me back into shape I'm sure. I'm soooo nervous to start it! I got it off Ebay for more than half off though so at least I didn't spend $140+ they're asking for it on Amazon etc! Hope everyone else is doing well and trying their best. Until next time!