
Monday, December 3, 2012

5ks and bridesmaid dresses

I ran a mile again. Four seconds faster than the first time. I tried again yesterday but I was having a very off day and couldn't get into it. I was tired. I'm still tired! I still can't believe I can run a mile though. It's crazy the amount of running I can do now. Just a month or two ago I couldn't go longer than thirty seconds without huffing and puffing and having to stop. It's an amazing feeling to know I'm getting stronger each day.

I decided this weekend to sign up for my first 5k. I'm soooo nervous! It's in the end of January so I have plenty of time to get ready for it and work up to running the whole thing. My goal is not just to finish but to run the whole thing and to try to place in the top three of my age group. Big goals! I can do it though. At least the run the whole thing part. I know I can! The race is The Biggest Loser 5/10k walk-run. There will be a few previous contestants from the show there running along with us and cheering us on. Should be a fun day and sounded like a good first 5k for me. I haven't watched TBL in a few seasons but I used to watch every episode and sit and cry and wish I could be like them. I'd do this while eating a bag of chips. My life has changed so much since then! I realized after I signed up as I was looking through the website and saw the "Audition to be a contestant on TBL" link that I wouldn't qualify to be on the show anymore. I'd be too small. That's an amazing feeling! I've come so far and even though I have a long ways to go it's moments of realization like these that make me feel like a million bucks. :)

This weekend was really relaxing. I ran both days, cleaned my house and watched a couple movies. Then last night my husband's best friend and his new fiance came over for dinner and to hang out. While they were here they asked if my daughter could be a co-flower girl in their wedding and if I would be a bridesmaid! I am so excited! My husband is the best man so all of us except my son will be in it. I'm hoping my in laws fly in for it so they can watch him during the ceremony and pictures and everything. It should be a really fun Texas style wedding! I'm also excited because I'm going to be skinny in my dress! I've only been a bridesmaid in one other wedding and it was for my brother in law's wedding. My dress was a size 20. I guess they were sized weird because I was in a 22 or 24 jeans and 22/24 shirts. Who knows? Point is, I won't be anywhere near that this time! The wedding is in the end of November 2013. Plenty of time to get rid of my flabby fat girl turned skinny arms and look good! :)

So, exciting things to come in 2013! Can't wait to see how it all plays out.

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