
Friday, November 30, 2012

One mile baby!

I've never been a runner. Ever. I have always hated it. When I was in school and we had cross country units in PE or had to run the mile I was always left on the track because I took too long. I always walked part of it. Never in my life have I run a full mile without stopping. Until yesterday. :)

Yesterday morning I was having a text convo with my friend about running and I said "I have never run a straight mile in my life. Ever. So it'll be quite the day when/if I do." She told me it was all mind and that if I told myself I could do it, I could. So last night after playing with the kids at the park my husband took the kids back home in the car and I decided to run/walk home. Well, I started running and I didn't stop. I had my C25K program running and it told me to warm up, it told me to run, it said to walk....I ignored it. I ran the whole first mile! NO STOPS! Then I rested (walked) for about 15-20 seconds and took off again and finished the .25miles back home running. I cannot believe I was able to do it! Did I want to die? Little bit, but I kept going and I feel like I could have kept going. It's amazing what your body can do when you put your mind to it. Hopefully I really can finish out the C25K program and really run the whole distance within the next couple months. We'll see! For now, I'm happy with my one mile.