
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Big week....

So I meant to write a couple weeks ago when I reached 80lbs lost, but I didn't get around to it. Now this week has been CRAZY!! Since last Friday (Feb 22) I have lost 6lbs! That's like a pound a day! (It's only Thursday today) I am so amazed by this week. I know that every month I go through this where I lose nothing for a couple weeks and bounce between a few pounds and then suddenly one week I drop a few pounds, but it's never been this much! Funny thing is, I haven't worked out either. Just worked a few days. I think the biggest thing is I've been focusing more on drinking water and trying to eat clean the last few days. I've eaten some things that definitely are not "clean" but for the most part I've been doing good. Instagram has been a big help on finding clean eating ideas via #cleaneating and #fitspo etc. Also, my friend Dianna is a big inspiration to me because she eats so darn good all the time! Seeing her food on instagram and logs on MFP makes me want to try harder to eat better. :)

I guess that's it. I just can't believe I've come this far already. It still doesn't seem real at all. I have 14lbs exactly to go until I reach 100lbs lost. ME! 100lbs smaller. That's like a whole person. Crazy I tell you!

Until next time.....

Me in June 2012 after losing 20lbs (size 20) and me after reaching 80lbs lost! (size 12)


  1. Awww thanks Crystal for the shout out! You're so sweet :-) You inspire me everyday. I am so grateful to have a friend like you who I can relate to soo much. I am so glad we have things like MFP and Instagram, the support and motivation is soo awesome! You are so close to your goal, there is no doubt in my mind that you will get there. I would love to fly down and celebrate with you for a weekend once we both reach our ultimate goal weight!

  2. That would be AMAZING. A weekend when there's a fun concert or something to go to. ;) *cough*Justin*coughcough*
